segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2015


CONFERÊNCIAS / DEBATE: "[Rudyard] Kipling Jornada.
DIA: 17 de Dezembro 2015 (14,30 horas);
LOCAL: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa [sala 5.2.];

COORDENAÇÃO: António Ventura & J. Carlos Viana Ferreira


► “The Jungle Book in postcolonial metropolis: Ian Iqbal Rashid’s Surviving Sabu and Bhaiju Shyam’s The London Jungle Book as intermedial acts of translation” [Ana Cristina Mendes];  

► “Could they have been ‘Masonic Friends?’ Rudyard Kipling and Annie Besant” [Teresa de Ataíde Malafaia];

► “Travelling between journalism and literature: Kipling’s art in crossing fixed textual borders [Isabel Ferreira Simões];

► “A man of this Time: the Scientific and Political Grounds for Kipling’s Imperialism[Carla Larouco Gomes];

► “Orwell and Kipling: an imperialist, a gentleman on a great artist[J. Carlos Viana Ferreira];

► “Kipling, Freemasonry and Death[Marie Mulvey-Roberts];

Debate [16,40 horas]

Once in so often," King Solomon said,
Watching his quarrymen drill the stone,
"We will club our garlic and wine and bread
And banquet together beneath my Throne,
And all the Brethren shall come to that mess
As Fellow-Craftsmen - no more and no less."

"Send a swift shallop to Hiram of Tyre,
Felling and floating our beautiful trees,
Say that the Brethren and I desire
Talk with our Brethren who use the seas.
And we shall be happy to meet them at mess
As Fellow-Craftsmen - no more and no less."

"Carry this message to Hiram Abif -
Excellent master of forge and mine:-
I and the Brethren would like it if
He and the Brethren will come to dine
(Garments from Bozrah or morning-dress)
As Fellow-Craftsmen - no more and no less (…)

[Rudyard Kipling, "Banquet Night", 1926]

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